Providing free answer about reservoir simulation
Yes, it is free! We provide free answer and suggestion about thermal and compositional reservoir simulation questions.
Our team members, who not only have developed the advanced EOS-based reservoir simulator( but also have decades of reservoir simulation experience, are glad to answer the technical questions about reservoir simulation, if
- it is only about thermal or compositional reservoir simulation, not black oil;
- it is better for you to provide a public reservoir simulation model. Because based on simulation model, it’s convenient to discuss further technical detail between you and us;
- the model is small(the grid number is less than 10K), because we haven’t high performance computer to run large model;
- your model and questions can be uploaded to GitHub publicly and shared with others, so that other engineers can also benefit from the discussion;
If you agree with it, please send your model and questions to , we will try to give our analysis and suggestion.
If you like this article, please share it in your LinkedIn and other social media with any engineer who meets problem in thermal and compositional reservoir simulation.
Tips: Please be patient, because we can only use the part time to answer questions :-)